Your Secret Method Will Unlock Your Personal Brand - Episode 24

Jul 06, 2023

Here's How You Can Unleash Your Awesome with Your Unique Method

Hey there! Ready to light up your brand like a firework? Let me show you how to identify, craft, and leverage your own unique method. It's all about stepping into what makes you special and sharing it with the world. And guess what? It's gonna make your brand shine and attract the right crowd like bees to honey.

Now you might ask, "Why aren't more people doing this?" Well, unfortunately, it's easier said than done for a bunch of reasons.

Scared of Being Different?

You bet. Many folks are worried that stepping out of line might have them falling flat on their face. They’re afraid their unique method might be "too unique" for potential clients.

Reason #1: Can’t Put a Finger on Their Special Sauce

Some people have a tough time figuring out what makes them tick. They think they're just like everyone else, without anything spectacular to offer. Spoiler alert: they're wrong!

Reason #2: Self-Doubt Creeping In

Lack of confidence is a biggie. Folks might not believe their unique skills or methods are worth anything. But that's far from the truth.

Reason #3: Struggling with the Pitch

Even if they know they've got something special, it can be hard to put it into words that others get.

Reason #4: Afraid of the Grind

The thought of tweaking their method over and over based on feedback can be intimidating.

But hey, don’t sweat it. You've got me, and I'm going to break it down for you.

Step 1: Take a Good Look at Yourself

The first thing you need to do is get to know yourself better. Reflect on your experiences, the things you've learned, and the skills you've honed. It's like digging for treasure - you're the gold mine!

Step 2: Nail Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Here’s where it gets tricky for a lot of people. You need to figure out what makes you special and how to express it in words that resonate with others. For instance, my "Four Weekend Launch" method takes entrepreneurs from zero to hero by launching their brand in just four weekends!

Step 3: Turn It into a System

Now let's take your unique value and turn it into a simple, step-by-step method. It’s like connecting the dots to draw a clear path to success.

Step 4: Name Your Baby

This is the fun part. Give your method a catchy name that sticks in people’s minds and describes what you do. My method's name, "Four Weekend Launch," is a perfect example.

Step 5: Rinse and Repeat

You've got to keep refining your method based on feedback to make sure it delivers the goods. It’s a bit like training a muscle - keep working at it and it’ll become stronger and better!

Step 6: Shout It from the Rooftops

Once you're happy with your method and you've given it a kick-ass name, it's time to let the world know. Share it on your website, social media, networking events - anywhere you can reach your crowd.

Always remember, your personal brand is an extension of who you are, your beliefs, and the unique value you bring. The clearer and more authentic you are about these elements, the more your brand will shine. You've totally got this!


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